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When it comes to locating and powering your oil & gas related operations in Oklahoma, whether its producer, pipeline, processing or supply chain, we are here to help. We offer a powerful combination of the right geography, gas and oil industry expertise, electricity leadership and location advisory services to companies in the oil and gas industry.
We are investing in our electric delivery infrastructure to ensure that all prospective customers have access to electrical service in a timely manner. Long range planning with customers requiring large loads will allow us to meet that goal. Companies having growth plans involving large commercial or industrial electrical loads should contact us in order to begin the planning process.
With over 100 years of experience in electricity delivery, we can provide:
If you would like us to contact you, please complete the fields below and click the submit button.
“Remember User ID” helps you log in without having to memorize your ID or look it up every time. When you opt in, we automatically fill in your ID from then on. To avoid unauthorized access, you’ll still have to enter your password.
Your security code is a short word or phrase you set up with our customer service associates to provide extra protection for your online account.
If you have forgotten your security code, please call 888.216.3523.
System Maintenance Many online functions, like login and outage reporting, won't be available from 1:00 AM - 7:00 AM ET on Sunday, 1/19.
If you have an urgent issue, please call our Customer Operations Center at 888.216.3523.